Data Release 4 for the 2022 GSS Cross-section data, featuring a new multi-mode design, are now available. The additional data features expand survey paradata on interviewer characteristics, incentives, survey length, respondent selection, and the data collection design. We encourage users to review the documentation and consider the potential impact of the experiments and data collection approach on the survey estimates.
If you are interested in submitting new content for the 2026 GSS, the call for the 2026 GSS Module Competition is now available. The deadline is February 10th, 2025.
The 2022 cross-sectional data, along with the cumulative cross-sectional file for the General Social Survey (GSS), is now available in SAS and Stata formats.
GSS partnered with ANES to reinterview participants in the GSS 2016-2020 panel a third time, after the 2020 election. That interview consisted of the ANES post-election questions. The GSS dataset is available as part of the GSS 2016-2020 Panel (release 1a, April 2022). Users can visit electionstudies.org for ANES data.
The 2021 cross-sectional data, along with the cumulative cross-sectional file for the General Social Survey (GSS), is now available in SAS and Stata formats.
Panel data from the 2020 General Social Survey are now available! Data from a second cross sectional study will be released later this year.
The GSS is soliciting proposals for new items and modules to be included on the 2022 GSS and (potentially) beyond.
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the GSS is modifying data collection for its 2020 survey.
The new 2018 GSS data set is now available as part of the cumulative data file (1972-2018). You can download the data from the Get the Data page. For the new Key Trends, highlighting 2018 findings, click here.
The GSS is now accepting proposals for new questions or modules to be added to the 2020 General Social Survey.
NORC at the University of Chicago announces that Rene Bautista, Ph.D., has been selected as the next Director of the General Social Survey (GSS), upon Tom W. Smith's planned retirement in August, 2019. Dr. Smith will continue to serve as the GSS Director through the completion of the current grant, with Dr. Bautista serving as co-Director.
Dr. Bautista is a Senior Research Scientist in NORC's Statistics and Methodology Department, with substantial experience developing and implementing major NORC and other surveys, as well as leading methodological research over the past decade. Dr. Bautista, who earned his Ph.D. at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, has published scholarly work in peer-reviewed journals and books, and is a frequent presenter in major national and international conferences on survey methodology. He holds an academic appointment as affiliate faculty at the University of Chicago Harris Graduate School of Public Policy and at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Survey Research and Methodology Program, and serves as Associate Editor of Public Opinion Quarterly, the flagship journal of the American Association for Public Opinion Research.
The GSS Cross Sectional Cumulative Data File (1972-2014) now includes updated Occupational and Industry codes for every year 1972-2010. Individual year files have also been updated. Various other fixes are also included
The GSS panel data originally sampled in 2010 are now available with all three waves.
The cross-section and the panel data are merged in the GSS 2014 merged data file, which is available for download.
Now accepting proposals for questions or short modules to be included in the 2018 GSS. The deadline is June 30th, 2016.
The 2016 GSS has been updated with corrections and updates to postsecondary education variables.