The General Social Survey is recruiting individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing to participate in a brief interview study to improve the accessibility of the GSS website and the GSS Data Explorer. If you, or someone you know, is a STEM researcher who uses online survey data and/or who uses GSS data, please email to determine your eligibility.

GSS Documentation
GSS Documentation

GSS Codebook

The 2022 GSS Cross-section codebook is available as a single file, detailing the 2022 GSS Cross-section only:

2022 GSS Cross-section Codebook


Previous single year codebooks are also available:

2021 GSS Cross-section Codebook


The 1972-2018 GSS codebook is available as a single file:

1972-2018 GSS Cross-Section Codebook


The 2016-2020 GSS Panel Codebook is available as a single file, detailing the 2016-2020 GSS Panel only: 

2016-2020 GSS Panel Codebook


The 2006-2014 GSS Panel Codebook is available as a single file, detailing the panels between 2006 and 2014: 

2006-2014 GSS Panel Codebook


Other Documentation

​​​​​​​Supplemental Documentation for the Cumulative Data


1978-2002 GSS-National Death Index Codebook​​

Please see http:/// for further details and discussion, including new research.

GSS in the News

That explains why consumers say they feel as bad as they did in the financial-crisis year of 2009, a recent Gallup poll showed. For the first time, Americans who say they are "not too happy" outnumber those who say they're "very happy," according to a survey from the nonprofit group NORC at the University of Chicago.

The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal |February 22, 2022

Twenty-four percent of Americans reported they were “not too happy” in life in 2021, up from 13% in 2018, according to the General Social Survey, a sociological survey conducted by research organization NORC at the University of Chicago. The share of those who said they were “very happy” declined to 19% from 31% over the same period.

The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal |February 01, 2022