The Quality of Worklife survey module was fielded in 2002, 2006, 2010 and 2014. A dataset is available that collects the QWL variables, as well as other variables related to work or occupation and selected demographic variables. Additionally, several variables are only available in the QWL dataset. These variables are NIOSH specified recodes of certain work and demographic variables, aimed at eliminating uncertain categories or reversing scales. The QWL dataset has two significant features when compared to the current GSS cumulative file. First, the QWL dataset covers the years 1972-2014, and will only be updated when new QWL modules are fielded (next expected in 2018). Second, it only features respondents who are working fulltime, part time, or temporarily not at work, lowering the total number of respondents to 36,805.
The QWL dataset can be downloaded here (SPSS) or here (Stata). QWL variables can also be accessed via the GSS cumulative file, the GSS Data Explorer, and a new section of Key Trends has been generated for QWL variables. The QWL Codebook contains full quesiton text, as well as year-by-year distributions for each question in the dataset.