Data Release 3a for the 2022 GSS Cross-section data, featuring a new multi-mode design, are now available. The additional data features new weighting recommendations, expanded household composition in 2022, and the inclusion of an oversample of Black, Hispanic, and Asian respondents in the 2022 single-year datafile. Release 3a additionally corrects issues with FUND and RELITEN.  We encourage users to review the documentation and consider the potential impact of experiments and data collection approaches on survey estimates.

GSS Documentation
GSS Documentation

GSS Codebook

The 2022 GSS Cross-section codebook is available as a single file, detailing the 2022 GSS Cross-section only:

2022 GSS Cross-section Codebook


Previous single year codebooks are also available:

2021 GSS Cross-section Codebook


The 1972-2018 GSS codebook is available as a single file:

1972-2018 GSS Cross-Section Codebook


The 2016-2020 GSS Panel Codebook is available as a single file, detailing the 2016-2020 GSS Panel only: 

2016-2020 GSS Panel Codebook


The 2006-2014 GSS Panel Codebook is available as a single file, detailing the panels between 2006 and 2014: 

2006-2014 GSS Panel Codebook


Other Documentation

​​​​​​​Supplemental Documentation for the Cumulative Data


1978-2002 GSS-National Death Index Codebook​​

Please see http:/// for further details and discussion, including new research.

GSS in the News

That explains why consumers say they feel as bad as they did in the financial-crisis year of 2009, a recent Gallup poll showed. For the first time, Americans who say they are "not too happy" outnumber those who say they're "very happy," according to a survey from the nonprofit group NORC at the University of Chicago.

The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal |February 22, 2022

Twenty-four percent of Americans reported they were “not too happy” in life in 2021, up from 13% in 2018, according to the General Social Survey, a sociological survey conducted by research organization NORC at the University of Chicago. The share of those who said they were “very happy” declined to 19% from 31% over the same period.

The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal |February 01, 2022